IISKMS is a basic scientific and research unit of the University, established in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Higher Education Act, with the following scope of activity:

1. Scientific research in the field of information security protection of objects from critical infrastructure, as factors of national security, as well as with the problems of security of social organizations and the national security.

2. Scientific and applied research and participation in the implementation of new high-tech pilot socially significant solutions with practical value, related to the information protection, information, security and the security of critical infrastructure objects such as national security factors, social organization security and national security.

3. Consultative work related to the information protection and information security of the information of objects from critical infrastructure as factors of the national security, as well as the security issues of social organization and national security.

4. Education and Training in the field of information protection and information security, current state and trends related to information security and protection and the security of objects from critical infrastructure as factors of national security, as well as the issues related to the security of social organization and national security.

5. Participation in the information security and information protection certification of systems and/or staff related, security of critical infrastructure objects, and the security issues of social organization and national security.

Motives for establishment of Institute of Informing Science, Knowledge Management and Security

An essential part of ULSIT’s mission is to educate and train highly qualified specialists, and to carry out scientific research, the results of which, directly and/or indirectly, contribute to the development of the statehood and the sustainable building of civil society in the Republic of Bulgaria.

There are no separate scientific units in the country that are specialized in research in the field of informing science and information security and that deal with information security and informing issues. ULSIT has established itself as an authoritative educational and scientific organization with proven experience, with highly qualified staff in this area and has an intellectual and moral commitment to contribute to education, training, research and the implementation of new complex solutions and the forming of the management elite.

The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies is developing dynamically in the field of information technologies education, training and research and national security, such as:

  • Providing bachelor and master degree courses related to information technology development, information security and their impact on the state of national security.
  • SUSLIT is well known and recognized in Republic of Bulgaria and abroad as a modern university, that maintains and develops high level educational and training as well as and scientific research and development activities.
  • The enhanced interaction with state institutions and the non-governmental sector requires ULSIT to further develop conditions and capabilities to conduct research in the field of information security and information protection as a major factor in building national security.
  • ULSIT is actively developing international collaboration with similar universities from the Republic of Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Turkey, France, the Russian Federation, Germany and many other countries, including working on joint research projects in the field of security.

The high level of dynamics of the modern security environment call for the integration of the research efforts of the University's specialists through the establishment of the Institute of Informing Science, Knowledge Management.

Basic Principles/ Guidelines in the Implementation of the Institute's Information and Security Mission:

  • Scientific approach to overall activity;
  • Competence of the research staff;
  • Practical significance of the scientific results;
  • Moral, high personal responsibility, patriotism and humanism;


The main objective of the Institute is to implement and integrate scientific research and practical application in the field of security.

It is achieved by:

  • Maintaining an adequate correlation between the applied research in the field of information and security with the practice.
  • Direct cooperation with ULSIT's main units and related/similar scientific organizations on national and international level.
  • Maintaining the national character of Union security; adaptation of the foreign experience and best-practices in local conditions.
  • Improvement of the management processes through accelerated implementation of the knowledge, skills and competences related to information technologies and their application to maintain sustainable dynamics of development in the national security system.
  • Building management practices for the development of network horizontal and hierarchical management structures.
  • Implementation and development of inter-institutional relations and public-private partnerships in the field of security.
  • Establishment and maintenance of mutual trust and mutual assistance between the basic units and the teaching staff for the implementation of the mission of the Institute.
  • Active participation in the development of cooperation with the main units in ULSIT, with othernational and international scientific organizations, through expert activity, certification of scientific products and curricula.
  • Pilot implementation of promising scientific developments independently and in partnership. The mission of the Institute of Informing Science, Knowledge Management as a modern scientific unit/organization is to initiate research on the condition, problems, trends and challenges to security in a dynamic environment and define the impact of the information factor on it, as well as to integrate the results of the research into pilot projects.
    The vision of the Institute of Informing Science, Knowledge Management is to become a leading scientific organization in the Republic of Bulgaria in the field of information security research and applications, critical information infrastructure sites and national information resources.


1. Establishment, development and achievement of the research and applied functional capabilities of the Institute according to the above defined mission and vision by integrating the research efforts of the scientific staff of ULSIT and in the public-private partnership. Timeframe - 2016 to 2018 inclusive.

2. Implementation of the established functional capabilities of the Institute for research and applications in various projects in the field of information security, critical information infrastructure sites and national security. Timeframe - after 2016.

To fulfill its mission, the Institute will build Functional capabilities for:

1. Research, consultancy and certification.

2. Introducing new scientific solutions and products with high relevance and value / importance.

Main tasks for implementation of the Institute's strategy:

First strategic task:

1. Establishing the legislative framework of the Institute.
2. Personnel building of organizational structures.
3. Material, technical and financial provision of the Institute’s activity.
4. Development of functional capabilities in order to reach the planned capacity by the end of 2018
5. Effectiveness Evaluation and Review of the organizational structure and its functional capabilities.

Second strategic task:

1. Research and consultancy, education, training and certification in the field of security related to projects concerning ULSIT’s accreditation.

1.1 In the field of organizational and national security.

1.2 In the field of information security.

1.3 In the field of prevention and response to crises, disasters and accidents.

2. Practical and applied research and pilot implementation of new technological solutions in the field of:

2.1. Development of applied knowledge and implementation of new technological solutions in the field of information security and national security.

2.2. Applications of unmanned, ground, airborne and marine based units / ground, airborne and marine based units with automatic control.

Working team:

  • Prof. D.Sc. Stoyan Denchev - Director
  • Assoc. Prof. Diana Stoyanova PhD – Scientific Secretary and Head of “Epistemology” Sector
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Steliana Yordanova – Senior Expert and Head of “Analyses, Innovations and Sustainable Development” Sector
  • Assoc. prof. Dr. Grudi Angelov – Head of “Strategic Analyses in the Field of Security and Defense” Sector
  • Assistant Professor Stoyan Boyanov – Senior Expert
  • Senior Assistant Professor Dr. Aleksandar Kirkov– Head of Scientific Research Laboratory on Cyber Security (SRL)
  • Velko Mladenov – Researcher with Sector “Analyses, Innovations and Sustainable Development”
  • Todor Givechev – Researcher with Sector “Strategic Analyses in the Field of Security and Defense”


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Steliana Yordanova -
