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UniBIT provides a modern educational and material base for conducting of the learning process and for the independent preparation of students in all studied disciplines in individual specialties.
UniBIT teaches bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs for the educational and scientific specialties in which there are accreditation.
External project
The University of Library Science and Information Technology the implementation of a project on the topic: “Achieving the innovation and growth by conducting Ph.D research“, under Contract No. BG05SFPR001-3.004-0005-C01 of 07.11.2024
Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ provides students and teachers with valuable opportunities for academic exchange, cultural experiences and professionally development across Europe.
Academic Publishing House
The Orthodox church community "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" in Rome and The University of Library Science and Information Technology organize a joint exhibition "Cyrillic in Europe".