Our Alma Mater

The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT)is a dynamically developing state university. Transformed on 29.09.2010 by a decision of the National Assembly, it is the successor of the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies (voted by the National Assembly in 2004), the State Library Institute (established in 1950), the Semi-Higher Institute of Librarianship (SHIL), the College of Librarianship (CL) and the College of Library Studies and Information Technologies (CLSIT).
ULSIT offers bachelor's, masters and doctoral programs and is in the leading positions of the rating system of the Ministry of Education and Science in all professional fields for which it has accreditation. Within the university, two faculties, one department, five directorates, five research institutes, five centers, six laboratories and one interfaculty department successfully interact and complement each other. ULSIT has modern and excellently equipped facilities, providing high-quality training for university students and doctoral students.
Educational programs
ULSIT offers training in four main professional fields:
- 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science
- 9.1. National Security
- 3.5. Public Communications and Information Sciences
- 2.2. History and Archaeology
Training is carried out in full-time, part-time and distance learning forms. The curricula are developed in cooperation with experts and employers, which guarantees their practical orientation and compliance with the requirements of the labor market. In addition, university students receive excellent training in information and communication technologies, foreign languages and good opportunities for sports activity.
Infrastructure and Facilities
The university has a modern and accessible academic infrastructure, which includes:
- A building for the Rectorate and the Faculty of Library and Cultural Heritage (FLCH) and a modern campus for the Faculty of Information Sciences (FIS), integrated into a common modern and accessible academic infrastructure.
- Modern laboratories in the field of information technology, network communications, virtual reality, IBM cloud systems, information security, library technologies, communications and information, etc.
- Modern centers and academies.
- A modern library and information center (LIC), combining traditional and innovative technologies, with a spacious reading room for 150 people, a specialized fund of nearly 60,000 library units and a book depository with a capacity for 80,000 documents. The LIC has a digital library, providing access to a wide range of electronic resources, as well as interactive services designed to meet the needs of modern users.
- Specialized training seminars and classrooms with rich teaching resources, a significant part of which are bibliographic rarities.
- Sports complex with outdoor and indoor tennis courts, a fitness room and a gym.
- Coffee club.
Research Activities and Projects
ULSIT actively participates in national and international research and development projects, funded under programs such as Horizon 2020, the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund. Thanks to the efforts of the academic staff, the university is a business and idea incubator in the fields of information technology, national security, library science, social sciences, history and archaeology.
Благодарение на усилията на академичния състав, университетът е бизнес и идеен инкубатор в сферите на информационните технологии, националната сигурност, библиотекознанието, обществените науки, историята и археологията.
International Cooperation
ULSIT has an active international presence through its membership in IFLA, LIBER, ICOM and EBLIDA. The university works under bilateral agreements with institutions in Poland, Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany, France, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia and other countries, as well as under the ERASMUS+ program, which provides opportunities for university student and faculty exchange.
Lifelong Learning
ULSIT implements the idea of lifelong learning through a wide range of postgraduate programs and courses that develop professional skills and provide new qualifications. Interactive e-courses and access to electronic resources facilitate learning and expand development opportunities.
The wide range of opportunities for continuing education at the doctoral school helps those who wish to continue pursuing their academic interests. The abundant opportunities for postgraduate training
University Students and Career Development
The ULSIT Career Center actively supports university students in their professional development. Practical classes, internships and participation in projects provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real work environment. Every year, ULSIT organizes the “Career Days” forum, which brings together representatives of various companies, organizations and institutions and provides students with the opportunity for direct contact with employers and familiarization with the current requirements of the labor market.
ULSIT graduates successfully find employment in modern high-tech companies, IT structures, state administration, libraries, publishing houses, information centers, museums, cultural institutions, etc.
Publishing, Cultural and Museum Activities
ULSIT has a rich publishing activity for scientific production, which includes monographs, the yearbook “Proceedings of ULSIT”, the Cyril and Methodius newspaper “Za bukvite – O pismeneh”, the scientific journal “Publisher” together with the Department of Library Studies and Social Sciences of the VTU “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, the electronic journal “Education, Scientific Research and Innovations”, collections of reports from the annual scientific conference held on November 1st – the Day of the National Awakeners, which is also the official holiday of ULSIT, the national conference “Harmony in Differences”, dedicated to December 10th – International Human Rights Day, doctoral readings “Many-sided Science – Disciplina variabilis” (indexed in CEEOL), numerous seminars, as well as textbooks, teaching aids, etc.
The activity of the Library and Information Center (LIC) at ULSIT is closely related to the main strategic goal of ensuring high quality in servicing and satisfying the information needs of users. It is realized through the implementation and use of modern technologies and innovative services that meet the dynamic requirements of modern society. A museum collection has also been created within the LIC, inspired by the need to preserve Bulgarian spirituality and cultural identity.