BA Program Specialties

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Specialties in the Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage (FLSCH):

Specialties in the Faculty of Information Sciences (FIS):

Library Studies and Bibliography

The aim of the instruction is to prepare BA graduates able to follow a successful career path in the library institution which in the last few years has been modified into a wide-range of library and information center functioning as a provider of information to the users not with relevant documentation but also with answers to bibliographic and fact-related queries from all spheres of knowledge and social practice.

Students study disciplines that acquaint them with the nature, structure and functions of the library and bibliography, the modern library and information technologies, library management, marketing and PR technologies. Throughout their studies, students are provided with hands-on experience in leading libraries.

Alongside the professional knowledge, students obtain general knowledge in the sphere of social and humanitarian sciences: Foreign Languages, Literature, History, Political Science, etc.

Successful graduates can find work in all sorts of libraries and their structural units: acquisition, cataloguing, services – traditional library and reference informational; in the archive departments of publisher’s editorial sections and periodicals, but also in the archive departments of national and other media (radio and television), in similar structural units of book trading companies; in information divisions of ministries, committees, foundations, etc. They can continue their studies in the MA programs of ULSIT in particular, the Library Management Program, which will prepare them to hold managerial positions, and in the Library and Information Communications Program, as well as in other universities in Bulgaria or abroad.

Library and Information Management

The aim of the instruction is to prepare BA graduates in the sphere of library and information management. Students receive a wide range of theoretical and practical skills: on the principles, theories and scientific approaches in the organization and management, in administrating and evaluation the quality of activities in libraries, information centers, cultural institutions and different social organizations; on the nature and type diversity of the library institution; on the basic library and bibliographic activities and processes and the modern library and information technologies acquisition.

The curriculum ensures the acquisition of: specialized knowledge on Library Management, Marketing and Social Communications; thorough knowledge on the specifics and functions of the library as an institution; on the organization, management and use of information resources; Information Systems, System Analysis, Information Brokerage, Standardization and Quality Management, Intellectual Property, Project Management, etc.
Students have the opportunity to opt for disciplines according to their interests – European Integration and Communicative Practices, Library Innovations, Information Competence, Web Design, Cultural and Historical Heritage Management, etc. Professional knowledge is complemented by social and humanitarian comprehensive studies such as: Political Science, Language Culture, Foreign Languages, Organizational Psychology, Law Informatics, etc.

The curriculum has been complied with curricula of other foreign universities that provide instruction in similar specialties, which caters for conditions of international compatibility and educational mobility. BA graduates have a wide range of qualifications with knowledge and skills to perform as managers and organizers of the working process in all sorts of libraries; information centers; information divisions of ministries, committees and foundations; community cultural centers, museums, archives and other cultural institutions; archive departments of state, social, business and other departments of print and electronic media; in the publishing sector and book trading.
BA graduates can continue their studies in the MA programs of ULSIT as well as other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

Print Communications

The aim of the instruction is to prepare BA graduates in the sphere of printed and new media, contemporary publishing business, marketing and management of traditional and modern types of literature. The course of study is compliant with the need of educational mobility and international compatibility of the received knowledge and obtained skills.

Students’ knowledge and skills can be obtained in disciplines like Printed and New Media, Marketing and Management of Contemporary Publishing Business, Book Science, Bibliographies and the Bibliography Process, Processing Documents, Old Bulgarian Literature, New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature, Foreign Literature, Language Culture, Standardization of the Library and Information Activity, Issues with Information Civilization, etc.

With the wide presence of the modern computer communication technologies in the documental media sphere, students receive knowledge on New Information Technologies, Digital Conversion of traditional editions, E-publishing, E-marketing in Publishing. Non-present forms of education like course tasks, self-study course projects, all media specialized hands-on experience provide students with practical skills, which allows BA graduates to work for all types of media – traditional and electronic, in the antique book business, in advertising, media relations, in libraries (literature acquisition, library activity processing and marketing), in museums, archives, information centers.

BA graduates have the opportunity to raise their qualification in the same field, in MA ULSIT programs or other MA programs of universities in Bulgaria or abroad, as well as pursue a successful professional and scientific career.

Information Collections of the Cultural and Historical Heritage

The aim of instruction is to prepare BA graduates in a wide range of disciplines in the sphere of searching, identification, protection, research popularization of the Cultural and Historical Heritage in different settlements and institutions for the needs of society and the state; qualified service and managerial staff to work in archive departments, libraries, community cultural centers, museums, galleries of different types, profiles and status; specialists in the sphere of the Cultural and Historical Heritage dissemination and development as a basis of the national culture for the realization of the national culture policy for sustainable development of the region and the country.

The curriculum offers an interdisciplinary approach to instruction, responding to the nature of the Cultural and Historical Heritage as a specific cultural and social field and object of information provision; theoretical and practical orientation of the instruction in compliance with the demands of the cultural institutions and the trends in the development of scientific, practical and technological characteristics when organizing and using the information collections of the Cultural and Historical Heritage; compliance with international requirements when disseminating information about the national cultural richness and its socialization; acceptable freedom of choice of disciplines at an optimum deployment of the diversity of the process of instruction; a credit system compatible with the ECTS to provide students with mobility.

This specialty and ULSIT provide three special annual grants for excellent students with special interests in the Information Collections of the Cultural and Historical Heritage BA program.

BA graduates can find work in state, regional and local structures for organization and management of information collections of culture and cultural and historical heritage; in museums, galleries, archives and archiving services, libraries, community culture centers, specialized documental collections, etc; as experts and consultants of cultural directions and routes connected with culture tourism in state and private, national or international structures; as specialists in preparation of printed or electronic documents connected with Cultural and Historical Heritage promotion and presentation, etc.

After a successful BA degree, students can continue their education in the MA programs at ULSIT or other universities in Bulgaria or abroad.

Архивистика и документалистика (АД)

Целта на обучението е да се подготвят високо квалифицирани експерти (архивисти и документалисти) със знания по история, архивистика, документознание, информационни технологии и техники, приложими в тези области, които да имат необходимата подготовка за работа с документи и архиви, за да могат да вземат организационни и управленски решения за процесите и дейностите в архивната работа.

Обучаваните студенти усвояват знания за: История на архивите; Видове документи и техните функции и типология; Нормативна и методическа уредба на архивите; Издирването, подбора, комплектуването и научно-техническата обработка на архивните фондове; Научно-справочния апарат в архивите в традиционна и автоматизирана форма; Археографско оформяне на документите и публикаторска работа в архивите; Условията и реда до достъпа в архивите; Методиката за работа с програмни продукти за използването на информационни технологии в архивистиката; Съвременното ниво на развитие на архивното дело у нас и в чужбина.

Успешно завършилите могат да работят като: Архивисти; Експерти в държавни институции, структури на частния сектор и обществени организации; Консултанти, администратори  и експерти в министерства, агенции, обществени организации, за работата в които се изискват специфични познания и умения по архивистика и документалистика; Консултанти и експерти в дейностите по идентификация, опазване, съхраняване на културно-историческото наследство; Ръководители, организатори, координатори и изпълнители в архивните институции, държавната и местната администрация, в частния сектор и във всички административни и обществени структури, които използват документи.

Завършилите ОКС „бакалавър” по „Архивистика и документалистика” могат да продължат образованието си в магистърска програма в същото или друго направление в УниБИТ или в други висши училища в страната и в чужбина.

Комуникации и информиране (КИ)

Целта на обучението в специалност „Комуникации и информиране” е да подготви бакалаври с теоретична и приложна насоченост в областта на обществените комуникации и информирането. Интердисциплинарността е основен принцип при обучението, като основните научно-образователни области са: обществени комуникации, наука за информирането, наука за информацията, приложна информатика. Изучават се дисциплини като: основи на обществената комуникация, основи на креативното мислене, основи на информатиката, анализ и развитие на несигурна информационна среда, информационно осигуряване, процеси и системи за информиране, теория и практика на консултирането, психология на влиянието, стратегическо мислене и органзационно поведение, защита на информацията в компютърните мрежи, реинжинеринг при информационните процеси, управление на конфликти, сигурност при обществената комуникация, публични комуникации: технология и техники, приложна криптография, информационни аспекти на общественото управление, култура на речта, корпоративна култура, европейски комуникационни практики, институции и медии, култура на комуникацията, онлайн комуникация: трансформиращи влияния, модели и форми, моделиране на виртуалната институционалност, информационна компетентност в комуникациите.

След завършване на своето обучение, бакалаврите по „Комуникации и информиране“ могат да работят като специалисти по комуникации, информиране и информация в различните държавни институции и организации, неправителствени, научни, културни организации. Реализация на тяхната специалност е при осъществяване и обезпечаване на комуникационно-информационни стратегии и политики, при подобряването или развиването на концепции, теории и практически методи, прилагане на знания в сфери като: комуникационно и информационно осигуряване и организация на бизнеса, политика, икономика, религия, социално подпомагане, култура, изкуство, спорт и развлечения.

След завършване на обучението, бакалаврите по КИ могат да продължат образованието си в магистърските програми на УниБИТ и в други висши училища в страната и чужбина.

Information Technologies

The aim of instruction is to prepare BA graduates in the sphere of Information Technologies with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. There are compulsory disciplines such as Information Systems, System Analysis, Databases and Automated Services, Organization, Management, Processing and Using Information resources, Computer Networking and Communications, Information and Standardizing provision and Application of Information Technologies in Business, Administration and Science, Information Policy, Information Management, Information Protection and Intellectual Property.

Students can opt for disciplines according to their interests in the field of Object-oriented Programming, Content Management systems, software Ergonomy, etc.

Students receive comprehensive training in Maths, Informatics, statistics, Business Psychology, Philosophy, Political science, etc.

BA graduates can work as analytical and application specialists in developing, maintenance and management of information systems in the spheres of science, administration and business.

IT BA graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in ULSIT MA programs as well as at other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

Information Brokerage

The aim of instruction is to prepare BA graduates with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of Information Brokerage. This includes disciplines like: Brokerage, Information Markets for Traditional and Electronic Products and Services, Normative and Legislative Basics of Information Brokerage, Mathematical Basics of Information Brokerage, Data and Document Processing Methods, System Analysis, Computer System Basics, Programming, Communication Technologies and Networks, Information Systems, Software Ergonomy, Marketing, Advertising, Financial and Accounting Operations, Stock and Stock Exchange Trading, Consulting, Company Management, Business Forecasting, Risk Management, Information Management, Business Psychology.

Information Brokerage BA graduates can find work as Information Mediators, Information Specialists for providing information in different government, non-government, industrial, scientific and cultural organizations, as well as in Agriculture, Pharmaceutical Business, Healthcare, engineering companies, industrial enterprises, administration, defense and security units, etc.

In accordance with the National Classification of Professions in Bulgaria, they can work as documental experts, experts in economic and technical information.

Information Brokerage BA graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in ULSIT MA programs as well as at other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

Information Security

The aim of the instruction is to prepare BA graduates with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of modern technologies for information security.

Fundamental and specialized disciplines are studied such as Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, System Analysis, Information Management, Computer Systems Basics, Theoretical Basics of Informatics, Programming, Information Systems, Computer Networks and Communications, Methodology Basics of Information Security, Cryptography and Cryptology, Information Protection in Computers and Networks, Internet Information Security, Protection of Classified Information, Protection of Intellectual Property, Normative and Law Basics of Information Security, Business Psychology.

Information Security BA graduates can work as information security administrators at state and business organizations, in the defense and security sector, finances and banking, engineer companies, industrial enterprises, etc.

Information Security BA graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in ULSIT MA programs as well as at other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

Computer Sciences

The aim of instruction is to prepare specialists who will, with the help of modern informatics and technologies, be solving practical tasks of systems and/or application character. The curriculum has been developed in compliance with the Computing Curriculum 2008 (CC2008) requirements of the worldwide professional organizations ACM and IEEE.

Students doing a course in Computer Sciences acquire fundamental knowledge of Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Formal Mathematical Machines and Theory of Algorithms; Contemporary Computer Architectures and Systems, Computer Networks and Communications, Programming Languages and Data Structures, Theoretical Basics of Operational Systems; Database Management Systems; Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Software Production Technologies; Contemporary Programming Paradigms; Procedural, Object-oriented, Functional and Logical Programming. Students will receive thorough knowledge in the profiling streamlines of Informatics: computer networks and communications, system administration, databases, computer graphics, e-commerce, as well as fundamental knowledge and skills for analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of software technologies and systems; students will be aware of contemporary theories, practices, approaches and means of software development like structural programming, techniques for testing systems, techniques for proving program correctness.

BA graduates in Computer Sciences can apply their knowledge and skills in all organizations and companies connected with the development or using in their activities the achievements of modern computer sciences and information technologies. They can work as analysts and specialists in applied programming provision of computerized systems – in government organizations; telecommunication companies and transport firms; banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions; in the chemistry, biomedical and pharmaceutical industry; agriculture; healthcare; engineering firms, industrial enterprises, etc.

Computer sciences BA graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in ULSIT MA programs as well as at other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

National Security and Cultural and Historical Heritage

The aim is to prepare experts who will be oriented in the global, regional and national political situation and based on this to make decisions on the issues of national security, the protection and preservation of national cultural and historical heritage.

The curriculum includes disciplines connected with the issues of National security and Cultural and Historical Heritage. The compulsory disciplines provide fundamental knowledge on international and national security, its political, information and spiritual aspects; current issues of intelligence, counter-intelligence, contemporary terrorism and counter-terrorism, as well as basic knowledge of culture, cultural and historical heritage and institutions (archives, museums, libraries). The optional disciplines treat various aspects of information systems and technologies and their application when protecting national security and cultural and historical heritage – in relation to science, ethnic groups, the media, authorities and politics, etc.

A guarantee for the quality learning process and accumulation of knowledge and skills that form the basis for career success is the highly-qualified academic staff of ULSIT as well as practitioners (from the State Agency for National Security, the National Intelligence Service, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the media, etc.)

Information Resources of Tourism

The aim of instruction is to prepare BA graduates with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of information resources of tourism.

There are fundamental as well as specialized disciplines such as: Information Technologies and Information Systems of Tourism, Organization and Management of Tourism, Information Resources of Tourism, State Policy in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage and Tourism, Social Psychology, Architectural, Archaeological, Ethnographic, Folklore and Modern Cultural Heritage, Ethno-cultural and Ethno-religious Communities, Information Management, Marketing and Economy of Cultural Activities, Geography of Tourism, European Projects and Programs in the Field of Tourism, Information Planning and Animations in Tourism, Intercultural Peculiarities, Protection of Cultural Monuments and Traditional Cultural Practices, Information and Marketing Communication Practices for the Development of Tourism, Economic Dimensions of Tourism as a Factor for Sustained Development, European Practices for the Development, Management and Protection of the Cultural and Historical Heritage.

Information Resources of Tourism BA graduates can work as: managers and organizers of information resources of tourism in state and business organizations, managers and organizers of tour operator and tour agencies and companies; consultants and experts in all streams of the activities involved in the information resources of tourism.

Information Resources of Tourism BA graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in ULSIT MA programs as well as at other universities in Bulgaria and abroad.

Information Technologies in the Court Administration

The aim of instruction is to prepare BA graduates with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of applying information technologies in the court administration.

Amongst the fundamental disciplines that are studied are: Informatics, Information Technologies, Law, Information Systems, Databases and Automated Services, Organization, Management, Processing and Using Specialized for the Court Administration Information Resources, Communication Technologies, incl. the Internet, Information Security and Protection, Information Provision and application of Information Technologies in Court Administration, Archival and Documentary Studies, System Analysis, Statistics, etc. Students can opt for disciplines according to their interests – Information Management, Organizational Psychology, Administrative Communications, Philosophy, Political Science, etc.

Information Technologies in the Court Administration BA graduates can hold various managerial and expert positions in the organs and units of the jurisdictional and executive authorities, international and European institutions, as well as non-government organizations. In compliance with the National Profession Classification they can work as Documental Experts and Experts in Law Information.
