The dynamic development of ULSIT, its growing academic authority, and the activity of its teaching staff are important prerequisites for achieving active cooperation with academic communities, scientific, and cultural institutions both nationally and internationally. This cooperation aims to maintain high-quality education and research.
International Cooperation is realized through:
- Signed international agreements and framework contracts;
- Exchange of students and faculty members;
- Participation in international projects;
- Publications abroad;
- Participation in international scientific forums;
- Lectures and masterclasses delivered by foreign lecturers at UniBIT and by UniBIT lecturers at foreign universities;
- Membership in prestigious international organizations such as IFLA, EBLIDA, LIBER, ICOMOS, the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research, the UNESCO Chair network, and others;
- The activities of the UNESCO Interfaculty Chair “ICT in Library Studies, Education, and Cultural Heritage” at ULSIT:
ULSIT has established practices for recognizing qualifications related to higher education, both nationally and in the European region, in accordance with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and national legislation.
For the recognition of specialized courses, internships, and mobility programs completed at other higher education institutions in Bulgaria and abroad, the Regulations for Student Mobility and Recognition of Educational Credits and Study Periods at ULSIT are applied, detailing the procedures.
Equivalence of diplomas is carried out based on decisions by the Academic Council with the assistance of NACID, utilizing the ENIC/NARIC network of National Information Centers for Academic Recognition and Mobility to ensure consistent recognition.
ULSIT participates actively in international professional life. It is involved in international cooperation with analogous institutions in Germany, Austria, France, USA, Poland, Italia, Russia, Belarus, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, and other countries.
The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies have traditionally been open to the exchange of knowledge as well as that of educational and research experience with foreign academic centers. ULSIT maintains cooperation as part of bilateral agreements in the area of academic training and research and student exchange with Universities in Germany, France, Denmark, Poland, Russia, and Turkey. The University is also involved in the Erasmus Programme for teaching staff and student mobility from its very start Socrates/Erasmus, through Life-Long Learning Programme Erasmus to Erasmus+.
The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies is a member of several prestigious International Organizations such as The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Ligue des Bibliotheques Europeennes de Recherche (LIBER), International Council of Museums (ICOM).
ULSIT is also a member of the National Technical Committee of Standardization in the archive, library, information and publishing activities (TC 16), as well as of The Union of Librarians & Information Services Officers (ULISO), etc. The University also participates in and implements many IEEE projects.
ULSIT has been awarded an ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) for subsequent academic periods 2004-2007; EUC for the academic year 2007-2008 and EUCX (Extended ERASMUS University Charter) for the academic period 2008 – 2014, EUCH holder for the next programme period 2014-2020 of Erasmus +. And ECHE holder for 2021-2027
Study Programs and Credit Transfer:
The curricula at ULSIT comply with national requirements for acquiring the educational degrees of “Bachelor” and “Master” and align with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). ULSIT also issues the European Diploma Supplement, recognizes examinations passed during mobility for identical or similar disciplines, and grants corresponding credits for the current semester.
Agreements with other universities and organizations facilitate collaboration opportunities with active student participation. Under the Erasmus+ program, the rights and obligations of students at ULSIT are preserved in accordance with the adopted Regulations for Student Mobility and Recognition of Educational Credits and Study Periods and the Regulation for the Organization and Activities of International Cooperation at ULSIT.
International Partnerships and BOBCATSSS Symposium:
One significant outcome of international partnerships in intensive programs has been student participation in the BOBCATSSS International Student Symposium from 2009 to 2013. BOBCATSSS is an annual symposium with over 25 years of tradition, organized by students in Library and Information Sciences from European universities. It focuses on current topics in this research and professional field. The symposium operates under the aegis of the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID).
Among recent achievements is ULSIT co-organization of the 2020 BOBCATSSS Symposium in Paris, France, together with Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (host). BOBCATSSS serves as a practical platform for applying knowledge and experience in management, marketing, and public communication. Based on the "learning by doing" method, student teams from Paris and Sofia planned the January 2020 conference, managing both its content and execution. Such complex professional projects and international cooperation are highly beneficial for the professional growth of future specialists and the development of doctoral students.
ULSIT Active Membership in International Associations:
UniBIT is an active member of prestigious international associations, including IFLA, EBLIDA, LIBER, ICOMOS, the UNESCO Chair network, etc. Faculty members, students, doctoral students, and young researchers actively engage with the international library and information science community.