Art. 1.
(1) The right to apply for the educational and qualification degree (EQD) “Master” at ULSIT is granted to individuals who have obtained an EQD of “Professional Bachelor” (or its equivalent “Specialist”), “Bachelor,” or “Master,” completed in full-time, part-time, and/or distance learning mode at accredited higher education institutions established in accordance with the Higher Education Act.
(2) Graduates with an EQD of “Bachelor” or “Master” can apply simultaneously for all Master’s programs and forms of study announced by ULSIT.
(3) Bulgarian citizens apply for Master’s degree studies based on document submission.
Art. 2.
(1) The admission of students for the EQD “Master” at ULSIT is for full-time, part-time, and distance learning modes. Admission to the distance learning mode is available for specializations that comply with the Regulation on State Requirements for Organizing Distance Learning in Higher Education Institutions, the ULSIT Regulations, and the Rules for the Structure, Activities, and Management of the Center for Distance Learning at ULSIT.
(2) The right to apply for a Master’s degree under state funding is granted to those who have obtained a “Bachelor” degree at ULSIT in the same professional field. The number of state-funded admission places per professional field is determined by a decision of the Council of Ministers.
(3) All individuals who have completed a “Bachelor” and/or “Master” degree in full-time or part-time mode, as well as those who have obtained the same degrees through distance learning at accredited institutions for this form of study, are eligible to apply for tuition-based studies.
(4) Individuals who have obtained an EQD of “Professional Bachelor” can apply for a tuition-based “Master” degree only in the same professional field corresponding to their completed specialization.
(5) Graduates of the same professional field are admitted and trained according to the study plans for the respective Master’s program, approved by the Academic Council (AC).
(6) Graduates from a different professional field are admitted and trained according to extended study plans, approved by the AC.
Art. 3.
(1) The application, marking, and enrollment for the EQD “Master” at ULSIT are conducted according to a schedule approved by the Academic Council and announced in advance. The submission of application documents takes place during the two admission periods – September and February.
(2) The admission process for Master’s degree students is organized under the supervision of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and is carried out by committees appointed by the Rector’s order.
Art. 4.
(1) The right to apply for a state-funded Master’s degree is granted to individuals who have obtained a Bachelor’s degree at ULSIT in the same professional field for which they are applying.
(2) The right to apply for a state-funded Master’s degree is only available to applicants for the designated places during the September admission period.
Art. 5.
(1) Students enrolled in a Master’s degree program at ULSIT may submit applications to study in a second Master’s program.
(2) When applying for a second specialty, the requirement of a minimum “Good” (C) grade from the diploma of the previous educational qualification degree (EQD) must be met, in accordance with the Higher Education Act.
Art. 6.
(1) The minimum grade requirement for applying for a Master’s degree is “Good” (C), based on the diploma for a completed Professional Bachelor’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree, which is used for applying for the Master’s program.
(2) The “Grade from the diploma for completed higher education degree” is calculated as the arithmetic average of:
- The overall average grade of the subjects included in the curriculum.
- The average grade from the state exams or the defense of the diploma thesis.
Art. 7.
(1) All Bulgarian citizens, including individuals with dual citizenship, where one of the nationalities is Bulgarian, who are not serving a prison sentence at the time of application, are eligible to apply for a Master’s degree.
(2) Foreign citizens may apply under the conditions and procedures established for Bulgarian citizens if they meet one of the following criteria:
- They have permanent residence status in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- They have refugee status.
- They are citizens of EU member states or the European Economic Area.
- They are persons with dual citizenship, where one of the nationalities is Bulgarian.
Art. 8.
The conditions for admission, ranking, and enrollment for the Master’s degree at UniBIT are published on the university’s website:
Art. 9.
(1) Master’s degree applicants must submit the following documents:
Original diploma (for EQD “Professional Bachelor,” “Bachelor,” or “Master”) and a photocopy of the same.
Applicants with diplomas from foreign higher education institutions must provide:
- The original diploma (a copy)
- A certified translation of the diploma
- An extract of the decision from the Academic Council of ULSIT recognizing the acquired higher education.
- For ULSIT graduates who have not yet received their diploma, an official verification of academic performance will be conducted.
- Academic reference – required for graduates of other higher education institutions who have not yet received their diploma.
The academic reference must include:
- The overall grade
- The state exam grade
- The specialization and professional field
- The year of graduation
- Application form (specific ULSIT template)
- Identity document (passport or ID card)
- Receipt of the application fee payment (issued by the UniBIT cash office).
(2) If an applicant holds multiple higher education diplomas, they may apply using only one of them, selected at their discretion, provided it meets the requirements of Article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2 of these regulations.
(3) Application documents must be submitted in person or through an authorized representative.
(4) Once submitted, no modifications can be made to the application form.
(5) After the specified deadlines, no applications will be accepted, and no corrections to the application form will be allowed.
(6) Applications that are incomplete (i.e., missing required documents) or illegible will not be accepted.
(7) The applicant is entirely responsible for the order of the selected Master's degree programs and forms of study listed in the application form.
During the admission process, the sequence of selected programs will be followed, not their verbal description.
Formation of the Admission Score and Ranking of Master's Degree Applicants
Art. 10.
The final grade from the diploma of the completed higher education degree, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, serves as the admission score for ranking based on document evaluation.
Art. 11.
(1) The ranking for tuition-based studies is conducted in descending order of the admission score and according to the order of Master’s programs selected by the applicant, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 3, item 6, letter “b” and Article 21, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Higher Education Act, as well as the capacity of the professional fields at ULSIT, as determined by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA).
(2) The ranking is conducted separately and independently for each specialty and for each form of study, in descending order of the admission score. The ranking is also carried out separately and independently for Article 9, paragraph 3, item 6, letter “b” and Article 9, paragraph 3, item 6, letter “a”.
Art. 12.
The ranking for state-funded places is conducted in descending order of the admission score and according to the order of the Master’s programs selected by the applicant, in accordance with the number of places per professional field, as approved by the Council of Ministers.
Art. 13.
(1) Applicants who have obtained an equal competitive admission score for the last available planned spot in the same specialty - regardless of whether they are applying for state-funded or tuition-based studies - will be admitted beyond the approved capacity.
(2) If a group is not formed for a particular Master’s program, the applicant will be re-ranked into the next preferred specialty, as indicated in their application form, in which the university will conduct training.
Art. 14.
(1) Newly admitted students for the Master’s degree program are enrolled by an order of the Rector and according to a schedule approved by the Academic Council.
(2) Enrollment of admitted students is done in person or through an authorized representative.
(3) In addition to the submitted application documents, students must present the following upon enrollment:
- Enrollment documents (ULSIT-specific template).
- Five photographs (size 3.5 x 4.5 cm).
- Proof of semester tuition fee payment at ULSIT servicing bank:
Recipient: ULSIT
Recipient’s Bank: Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) - Central Office
IBAN: BG65 BNBG 9661 3100 1665 01
BIC: BNBGBGSD - Original diploma or an official certificate containing the diploma’s serial number, in case the diploma has not yet been issued.
- Identity document (passport or national ID).
(4) Admitted students who fail to enroll within the specified deadlines will lose their place in the ranking.
(5) The enrollment of applicants with diplomas from foreign higher education institutions is conducted only after a decision by the Academic Council recognizing the acquired education.
Art. 15.
Applicants are responsible for checking the published information regarding ranking and enrollment and must comply with the specified deadlines.
Art. 16.
(1) Students admitted to the Master’s program under state funding must pay a tuition fee determined by a Council of Ministers’ decree.
(2) Students admitted to the paid tuition form of study must pay a tuition fee approved by the Academic Council of ULSIT.
(3) In case of withdrawal, neither the application fee nor the semester tuition fee will be refunded.
(4) The semester tuition fee must be paid at the beginning of each semester in accordance with the schedule approved by the Academic Council, using ULSIT’s designated bank account.
Art. 17.
(1) The admission of foreign students is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on State Requirements for Student Admission to higher education institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Art. 18.
(1) Foreign citizens are admitted to study through document-based competitive selection.
(2) Foreign citizens are admitted through competition by submitting the following documents:
- Application form (ULSIT-specific template).
- Original diploma, a copy, and a certified translation of the diploma, as well as an extract from the Academic Council decision of ULSIT recognizing the acquired higher education.
- Diploma supplement with grades and grading scale, along with a certified translation.
- Copy of passport.
- Certificate of Bulgarian language proficiency, issued by a higher education institution in Bulgaria.
(3) Upon enrollment, foreign citizens must also present the documents specified in Article 14, paragraph 3, items 1, 2, and 3.
(4) The annual tuition fee is determined by a Council of Ministers’ decree for the respective year.
- It must be paid in two installments – at the beginning of each semester to the ULSIT bank account.
Additional Provisions
§ 1. Applicants who submit documents with false information, attempt to provide misleading information in their application forms, or try to deceive the admission committees or ULSIT administration will be disqualified from the admission process.
- If the falsification of application documents is discovered after the applicant has been admitted, regardless of the stage of their studies, they will be expelled from ULSIT.
§ 2. Applications and appeals regarding all admission-related matters must be submitted to the Rector of ULSIT during the admission period.
Final Provisions
§ 3. This regulation has been developed based on:
- The Higher Education Act
- The Regulation on State Requirements for Student Admission to higher education institutions in Bulgaria
- The Regulation on State Requirements for Organizing Distance Learning in higher education institutions.
§ 4. ULSIT reserves the right to update the requirements contained in this regulation in case of changes to legislative acts.